Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Top Ramen: Do You Or Don't You? Review

I want to begin by sharing my Ramen story with you. Seriously, though. Of course, I'm sure I had Ramen when I was a kid. Although it's not really something I remember having in our pantry. My Mom was a fabulous cook, I suppose Top Ramen would have been an insult to her talent and her upper class social status.

One day, my Dad left on an eternal business trip and shortly thereafter my mom also disappeared. There was no more money, no parents around, and certainly no food in our pantry. I remember going to the pantry and the fridge repeatedly hoping I could figure out something to make from nothing. I was only in 6th grade, and only knew how to cook a few things. My point is, I would loved Top Ramen back then.

When I had my own children, I never bought it. I suppose it never occurred to me. Perhaps I found it full of unnecessary empty calories and shunned it aside as junk food I wouldn't buy. But then, my kids got older. They went to school. They made friends. They went to friends houses. That was it. One day they went to my girlfriends house to play. When I picked them up, she practically scolded me. "I can't believe your kids have never had Top Ramen!" she said. After that it was over. It's a staple in our house now. A go to snack, perfect for warming a tummy in a pinch, especially when we're sick. For me particularly. No mom wants to cook her own chicken soup when she's sick! But, whipping up Ramen can be done in an INSTANT!

I wanted to share this flavor. I ventured from our norm and dished out a whole 25 cents to try it. Let me tell you, it's AWESOME! Sweet and spicy chili flavor, perfect for clearing the sinuses and encouraging hydration. I went back to the store to stock up on them. Next time your too sick to cook and hubby is out of town and can't bring you chicken soup on his way home, reach for this!

What's your favorite Ramen flavor, recipe, or story?


Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! What happened to your family? What a lead in to a ramen story! I want to give you a hug ;)

I hadn't had ramen since college but recently I picked up a few bags for a salad and ended up having too much. I made the soup and it was tasty. I want to try the CHili flavor. My kids snubbed it. They'll have to discover it on their own. It's worth having on hand. I can imagine it would last forever and you can pretty much boil water in whatever situation.

Sarah said...

Love the new colors!

Sue said...

Lil, Your story is heartbreaking. It's so wonderful and highly commendable that you have made such a warm, loving home for your family. XO
I never have Top Ramen, though my kids have liked it, especially my son. My husband LOVES hot and spicy Korean soup(it comes in a styrofoam bowl from the grocery store)for the same reasons you mentioned:) He buys a boat load!