We attended the rehearsal dinner last night for Ian and Kate's wedding. I wore a spring dress, cardigan, and wedge sandals. Chloe wore a casual dress with leggings, which is out of the norm from her regular t-shirt and jeans. Nash wore dark jeans and a collared button down shirt. Dad wore jeans and a long sleeve button down. Why am I telling you all of this? Well, on the drive there, Chloe asked if her cousins would be dressed up, or if anyone else would be. I said probably not because it was at my cousins house, BUT that it didn't matter in this case what everyone else was doing. The soon-to-be bride and groom requested us to look business casual.
I preceded to explain that it was a sign of respect to Ian and Kate and ourselves to take the time to make ourselves look nice. I told them that not everyone may feel that way and that it may not even occur to other people, but our family was going to observe this theory. With all the work everyone put into to make the dinner happen, the least we could do was invest some time in making ourselves look presentable. I said I didn't think they would appreciate us in all their rehearsal dinner photos in scrubby clothes! They agreed and I think they had a bit of pride in themselves.
I would never consider leaving the house in my pajamas, without make-up, or without my hair brushed. Again this is just a personal issue I have, but I honestly feel better, when I feel I look "put-together." Chloe opened up dialogue and I took advantage of a teaching moment with them. I look for those opportunities with them all the time. We often have important conversations and I'm proud to say they have a very open and honest relationship with me. I think they feel comfortable talking to me about anything. That makes me very happy!

Good job, mom:) Have fun at the wedding! Is this the wedding that Chloe is in?
Have a great time!
I'm hosting a linkup tomorrow for Fashion Fridays. The new button is on my sidebar. I hope you'll join us and link up! Have a great day honey! Kori xoxo
Have a great time! I think it's sweet that y'all have deep talks!
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