Clean Pantry- Clean Fridge
- Clean Oven
Organize gift cabinetOrganize laundry room gift, regift, and guests forgotton items cabinet- Clean behind dryer and dryer hose thingy
- Purge Chloe's closet and drawers
Organize suplies in office closetOrganize office- Purge my closet, clothes, shoes, handbags-seperate into donate, yard sale, & ebay
- Store clothes that don't fit but I want to keep
- Windows-hire someone
Pull weeds- Clean back patio
- Clean patio furniture
- Clean front porch
- Shop vac garage
- Steam clean office carpet
- Check/change air conditioning filters
- Clean hall closet
- Wash curtains

Yah for crossing things off the list! I need to do this!!
I totally need to do this. Like now.
Ugh... you want to come clean my place next? ;-)
You are making some great progress! Hope you have a BIG reward planned for yourself!
Ahhh! I love love love this!! I have been working on getting my list right for a few years, I love getting to see other lists so I can see what I might be missing.
You are making some serious progress!
You are one organized person! I feel like my list is constantly growing longer!?! I seem to have to revise it quite often, but thanks for keeping me on track:)
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